Lloyd was watching t.v. on the couch when all of a sudden he started flinching and saying, “Ow! Ow! Ow!” Once I established that there really was a problem and he wasn’t just being a goof, I asked him what was wrong. “Something stung me,” he replied. “That.” He pointed at the GIANT BLACK WASP that was now crawling on the curtains. I ran around looking for something to smash it with, but he cautioned, “Don’t anger it!” I got a big plastic jar and he caught it as it was riffling through his wallet looking for large bills.
He set it free outside, so if you live in a five-mile radius – be warned.
Criminy! Are we not safe from wasp stings in our own homes? Must I be afraid as I watch TV? I could have done without this information.
Thanks a lot, Lauren.
Those buggars are crawling around in the grass around here, too. Watch your step!
(Um. Sorry, Brad. You’re not safe in your house. Or your yard.)
So you’re saying this is not the time to go barefoot in the yard?
I hate things that sting!!
Me, too. Yet, I do love Sting.
Interesting how it stung Lloyd while he was simply sitting there watching TV. Were you watching something he didn’t like, and thus it provoked him? Maybe he just wanted the remote.
I reached back over my head, so as to become more comfortable, and I suppose I must have touched him.
So the lesson is: If I’m watching TV, don’t move, or I might be stung? Got it.
Heh. Like that’s going to be hard.