A while back I came across the wesite of the Slanket, an ingenious combination of a blanket with sleeves – perfect for keeping warm while lounging about, yet still keeping your arms free for reading or changing channels. I loved the idea so very, very much, but was unwilling to shell out the money for one. So, I decided to try to make my own out of cheap Wal-Mart throws. Turns out, I would really recommend buying one from the website, since the one I made looks like a blind person did it. The seams are all crooked and inside-out, and there are a bunch of tiny threads all over the material from when I had to rip a whole seam out, and the the little throws I bought to make them didn’t have enough fabric for the project. Ah, as the old saying goes, “God is in the details…. and Lauren’s making crap again.”
It is warm, though!
UPDATE: “Instructions!”
It looks great from here! I can’t see any little threads or inside-out seams!! Way to go!
A “Slanket”?!? The name lends itself to all sorts of situations:
If you put a skunk in it, you could call it a Stanket. If you cut a hole in the back where your butt goes, you could call it a Spanket. If you washed it in really hot water, then dried on high heat, you could call it a Shranket. If you used it in a fancy hotel or restaurant, you could call it a Swanket. If you put shaving cream on somebody’s hands while they were sleeping in it, you could call it a Pranket.
The jokes and opinions expressed here are those of the viewer, and not endorsed by Slanket(TM).
Lloyd, the model, is looking very monkish and biblical-ish.
Have you people ever thought of putting on a robe when you’re cold?
What do you think he’s wearing under that? It’s cold in here, Peggy!
hehe … What is your thermostat set on again? I like to keep mine on 63. But we have an annoying pellet stove that screws up the coolness I create. I’m sitting in the pellet stove room right now with only a mens tank top on (my PJ’s). How much are igloos going for now a days anyway?
*GASP*!!!! You have a pellet stove?!?!?! Do you know how much I want one of those?? I’m coming to Baltimore right now to look at it!
It’s really not that cold here. We have the thermostat set at 68, but only have the vents open in the three rooms we live in. It’s plenty comfy in the dining room & kitchen, but the living room has windows all over so it seems chillier. (I just like to complain. 🙂 )
Gotta love the pellet stove! We have one in the basement. It’s much easier, cleaner, and more efficient that our wood stove upstairs. That sucker requires constant attention AND makes the house smell like we are camping out.
Hey Pegs – I’m wearing fleece from head-to-toe. I’m one big static bomb – I dare you to touch me! I’ll shock you big time.
You should have tried regular polar fleecing instead of the throw blankets – you would have more control of the fabric.