Dang those people and their good ideas. Maggie over at MightyGirl has a list of things to do before she dies. I’ve thought about these things every so often, but a written list seems like a good idea. My wishes will be simple, but here goes.
1. Learn ‘Chopsticks’ on the ukulele all the way through.
2. Sit inside a teardrop trailer (preferably a T@B trailer).
3. Bake a wedding cake – just for fun.
4. Try to wear contacts again.
5. Meet someone famous.
6. Visit Maine.
7. Spend an entire day, alone, in IKEA.
8. Learn some form of martial arts, but without actually practicing.
9. Put in new countertops in the bathrooms and kitchen.
10. Ride a Segway.
11. Amass a small fortune.
12. Build an underground house.
13. Buy a Geo Metro.
14. Be better about calling/writing people.
15. Make cheese.
16. Make a cigar.
17. Build a light box.
18. Go gem digging (only for a couple of hours, though)
19. Lose this soggy belly.
20. Make a hot box cooker.
21. Go camping.
Isn’t Number 7 called Heaven? I love that store!!! In May I was in the SLC location, and in June I was at the MLPS location. Got to Love, Love, Love IKEA!!!!
Are you using airport codes in place of city names?
I’m pretty sure after the parade yesterday you can take #5 off that list. Yes?
Or she could change it to “Meet someone famous who is also ugly.”
I think it might have to be a famous person that I actually know and admire. He was hot, but I didn’t really know him. (Though I love him.)
Looks to me like Lloyd has your answer to #2—check your post for June 27th—I’m sure he wouldn’t mind pulling you around Seward.
I can help you with #’s 3 and 10!
Have your peeps call my peeps.
If you can get me on a Segway, I’ll make you the primary recipient of my vast life insurance policy!
You should have come to San Antonio with Lloyd – there is a tour of downtown you can go on that is given on Segways. They take you all over the place and tell you about the city and the architecture and stuff. We havn’t gone yet because we are doing touristy things with people as they come to visit and so far no one has had an interest in doing this. Poor Lloyd only got a tiny bit of touristy stuff, but he was really busy with his own stuff.
Yes. I can get you onto a Segway…EASY!
Why is it that I can only find this post when someone comments on it? Where am I?
You’re in the magical land of ‘Pages & Stuff’ at the bottom left column. (Click heels three times to exit, please.)
Thank you! I thought I was losing my mind!
This is your Bucket List!!!
Do people still meet up for a ukulele club?
Why yes, we do! It’s in Omaha. Are you interested?